Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Transparent knowledge for the Public

With another election deadline looming, the citizens of the United States are in the path of selecting another leader to represent our country. During this crucial time our choices can be limited, and we can’t entirely understand the candidates other than what others tell us or what the media informs us about them. After the election process, we sometimes become painfully aware that the person we voted for has misled us. They mention things prior to the election to influence us and suddenly their agenda shifts. How do we know specifically if potential candidates have strong values that can’t be easily swayed or tempted? Do we really have to believe the hype-machine of the potential candidates and his/her allies? Is it really the whole truth that they are telling us or just fragments of facts? I propose a test that will uncover the fundamental behavior, attitudes of these future office holders. Since acronyms triggers peoples memory well, I’ll call it NBTT (Nothing But the Truth Test)

When people are being recorded visually they are habitually careful with their words and actions. They essentially alter their behavior to imitate what others expect them to be, or they pose to be something that they really are not. But if we take away the obvious camera lens glaring down at them and replace it with concealed camera that is unknown to the interviewer. We would take away that persons (in this case politicians) ability to cover their tracks and reveal their true intentions and their fundamental character. This method of “hidden camera” is used extensively for law enforcement or reporters against suspected proprietors. It’s a powerful tool that releases indisputable evidence for proving a point and strengthening a prosecutor’s case. If this tactic is so effective for these organizations, then why is it that these tactics can’t be used against the ones who are representing our country local, state, and national alike?

The test itself will of course be surveillance of the subject, and like many hidden camera operations the subject must not know that he/she is being filmed. This means that the mission will have to be performed by someone who is usually in close proximity to the incumbent/aspiring politician. Perhaps the individual(s) could be an aide, bodyguard, or a maid of some sorts. It’s also critical that these individual’s (aka testers) attitudes be neutral, and they personally can’t be in the politician’s pocket already. The ideas that can be used on NBTT are limitless but here are a couple I’ve thought of.

1). Words- Are they consistent with what they say on camera and in the public? In related terminology, do they rehearse their words for the public, but say something completely different in private? Have the tester ask them casually about questions regarding certain policies. Example: Do you really mean that you will raise taxes, cut funding for this group, help with healthcare, etc... They will think their answer(s) will be “off the record” but in reality the public will be able to monitor his/her response(s) and know precisely what was said. All citizens deserve to know the absolute intentions and truth behind any future candidate, and I believe this method will reveal that.

2). Money- Can they be bribed with money? (An inherent downfall and handicap to our system). A tactic to use is to straight up bribe them either with money or some other tangible asset (car, home, stocks) If they accept any of these forms, then that is a blatant form of abuse and an indication of what will occur in the future when they hold office. Another scenario is to have the tester accidentally drop money in front of the politician. Then have the tester proceed to go about their business and act like they didn’t realize that they had dropped any money on the ground. Was the politician’s eye keen enough to observe what happened and if so how did they respond afterward? If the politician returns the money promptly to the tester, then this would be an encouraging sign and would determine that individual’s responsibility level. In a different situation though, the politician would do the exact opposite and pocket the money for themselves which would be a definite warning sign to all.

There are of course other methods to test incumbent/aspiring candidates, but I hope this gives you a grasp of how NBTT will work. This test will essentially make or break a candidate. If they pass the test with flying colors, then that is a great thing and we can feel comfortable about our voting decision. If they don’t pass the test, then positively thinking we sidestepped any negativity that might have occurred with electing the wrong person. It is my intention for this test to increase awareness and rebuild people’s trust by revealing proper candidates. The evidence resulting from the test will optimistically change their hearts and minds.

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