Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Environment and the Future

It’s becoming more and more apparent that human life is and will always be connected through the environment. We all rely on the earth’s resources to survive, and sustainability is the only way for the human species to survive currently. There has been progress made toward protecting the environment, but we are still in an early learning stage about how to solve irrevocable damage that we cause to the environment. Knowledge, education, and appropriate resources all must be applied if we are to succeed in confronting this issue. I think that education about the environment is critical not only to ourselves, but to our younger generations and the ones who haven’t been born yet. A cohesive group of citizens all working together with one common goal will achieve success where others have failed. If there’s anything that dissolves that unity we seek, then it is ourselves and our unwillingness to cooperate with each other. Our posterity deserves what we have the benefit of in this world, and it would be tragic for us to offer anything substantially less than what we have today.

The government needs to be allocating more resources into insightful research studies involving the environment. I know this will be a challenging task because of their only a fixed amount of money available, and we have many other issues that need appropriate funding also. Yet it’s vital to remember that any funds distributed to this environmental field would be beneficial because it’s a safe investment that will offer benefits in the future including more knowledge and understanding of the world we live in.

We also need to raise the awareness of the public by increasing the pay of those whose careers are involved specifically with the environment. This would help attract more college students and individuals to choose this career as their choice of study. This in turn, would spread more knowledge out into our society as a whole.


The Keary Politcal Express said...

Resources for the environment need to be tight, because the people are running low on resources. There are some resource problems that have just came to the evironment, and there are some resource problems that have been a problem for a long time. The biggest problem are the gas prices are rising and that has been a problem for a long time. But there are people working on it right now to fix that problem. I agree resources for the environment are getting pretty low, but there are other ways.

The Keary Politcal Express said...
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Herdeman said...

I agree with most of what you say. The evironment is very important and we need to take care of it in order to sustain human life. I do think the government needs to do more to help the evironment be passing laws to cut gas dependence.